Gentle trauma, pain and change therapy with Focubrain

Objective of the workshop

The objective of the workshop is to let you discover, experience and practice :

  • FocuBrain which is an approach and set of protocols combining Focusing and Brainspotting, a gentle client-centered approach, for trauma therapy and PTSD treament (Post Traumatic Stress Disorders).
  • Peri-FocuBrain, an approach and protocol combining Focusing and Brainspotting to heal or reduce pain and/or deal with very strong blockages (blocks to success, deep issues that are holding you back…), also for performance improvement (in sports, for life coaching…).

After the workshop, you will be able to use FocuBrain and PeriFocuBrain with your clients and for yourself.

Who is saying what about Brain-based therapy and Brainspotting?

“Brain-based therapy is the fastest growing area in the field of psychological health because it has proven that it can immediately address issues that talk therapy can take years to heal.”

“Brainspotting works with the deep brain and body through its direct access to the autonomic and limbic systems within the body’s central nervous system. Brainspotting is a physiological tool and treatment which has profound psychological, emotional, and physical consequences.”

Dr David Grand

“I have personally experienced the benefit of Brainspotting. Just with one session, I was able to relax the grip of a burdensome perspective and its associated emotions, both of which I had carried for a long time.”

Dr Gabor Mate

“Brainspotting is a remarkable, sophisticated and flexible addition to any psychotherapy… I know because I use it regularly… the results are astonishingly helpful. Brainspotting is an incredibly important leap forward in helping people resolve trauma.”

Dr. Norman Doidge, Author of “The Brain that changes itself”

“Brainspotting is based on the profound attunment of the therapist with the patient, finding a somatic cue and extinguishing it by down-regulating the amygdala. It isn’t just PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System) activation that is facilitated, it is homeostasis.”

Dr Robert Scaer

What am I going to learn during this workshop ?

During this workshop, you are going to learn :

  • The basics of the Brainspotting method discovered by Dr David Grand : Inside Window, Outside Window, Z-Axis, squeeze the lemon and self-brainspotting.
  • The concepts of Felt Sense and Shift from Focusing (Dr Gendlin)
  • Focu-Brain : How Brainspotting and Focusing can be combined in a session with a client to deal with trauma and PTSD.
  • Peri-Focu-Brain : How to work with strong blocks to change and clients in pain.
  • Participants will learn how to guide the client to a helpful distance from emotions that have been suppressed or hidden.
  • Participants will learn how to use FocuBrain and PeriFocuBrain with colleagues and on themselves.
  • Participants will learn how to use FocuBrain and PeriFocuBrain with your clients.

Teaching approach

This workshop includes theoretical lectures, demonstrations, self-experience and practice in small groups and discussions.

Who is this for? and prerequisites

This workshop is for (psycho-)therapists or coaches preferably working with a somatic modality already and/or in a client centered way or for Certified Focusing Trainers who are working with clients who have been traumatised, clients with acute pain disorders or with clients who wants to change strong blockages in their life to reach more of their potential.

Previous knowledge in Focusing, Brainspotting, EMDR or Somatic Experiencing is not required but some knowledge in Focusing and/or a somatic coaching modality would be recommended but is not required.

If you are unsure if you qualify to attend the workshop, please send us an e-mail so that we can have a discussion about it.


The seminar is going to be taught in English. Achim speaks a simple, easy to understand English. We can provide some short clarifications, translations or help with key terms in French or German if needed. Full translation won’t be provided though. Of course, participants are free to do the exercises in the language they wish.

About the teacher

Achim Grube worked for 40 years for the government of the federal state of Lower Saxony in Germany. First as a police officer, then for the last 25 years in the Social Science Service which is responsible for 22.000 police officers. As the head of this institution, he was responsible for the treatment of acute traumatized police officers and for conflict management to reduce violence during demonstrations. After his retirement in 2018, he has been working in his own practice and take to his heart to share Focubrain and Perifocubrain that the developed on the field in his work with the police.

Achim is a client centered therapist , Trauma therapist, Focusing Teacher and Focusing Coordinator. He is also a Brainspotting Teacher for Coaches and Brainspotting Supervisor and the developer of FocuBrain and PeriFocuBrain.

Background on the approaches : Focusing & Brainspotting

“Where you look affects how you feel” ! – Dr David Grand

Every bad feeling is potential energy toward a more right way of being if you give it space to move toward its rightness. – Dr Eugene Gendlin

Interview on FocuBrain with Achim Grube (very interesting!)

Introduction to Brainspotting (video) & A conversation with David Grand (short)

What is a brainspot (Dr Grand)

What does brainspotting work with (Dr Grand)

As a client, why choose Brainspotting?

David Grand conference (2 hours) (EN/ES) (very interesting!)

Introduction to Focusing (Dr Genlin) + Introduction to Focusing (part2)

Felt Sense, Body Situation (Dr Gendlin)

Focusing web site & Brainspotting web site

Recommended reading before the workshop (CH2 of Focusing book by Dr Gendlin FR/DE/EN/ES, CH1 & CH5 of Brainspotting book, by Dr Grand FR/DE/EN/ES).

Location of the workshop

Liège (BE) : The workshop (is going) to take place in our Dojo des Anges in Liège. Our dojo is located in the botanic garden area of Liege, a beautiful, calm and easily accessible area of Liege. We are also a 12″ minutes walk from the Liège-Guillemins, the main train station in Liège.

Liège (Luik, Lüttich) is centrally located in Europe (30 min. from Aachen or Maastricht and 2h30 from Paris by high speed train). It is well served by public transport, motorways and airports. Liège is located 1h15 from Brussels Airport or Brussels Chalerloi.

Please see our information page on accomodation in Liège to let you choose a suitable venue for you.

Dates and timetable

  • Dates : The workshop is planned to take place :
    • Friday the 16th of September 2022, from 09h00 to 12h30 and 13h30 to 17h30 (7,5h) (Liège)
    • Saturday, the 17th of September 2022, from 09h00 to 12h30 and 13h30 to 17h00 (7h) (Liège)
    • Sunday, the 18th of of September 2022, , from 09h00 to 12h30 and 13h30 to 16h30 (6,5h) (Liège)

Registration & payment


Early bird registration and payment (registration and payment before or on the 19th of August 2022 at the latest) :

  • 595 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (company rate, one person)
  • 450 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (company rate, group with one or more colleague – one invoice per company)
  • 450 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (one person rate)
  • 395 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (when you register with another person)

  Regular registration and payment :

  • 675 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (company rate, one person)
  • 525 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (company rate, group with one or more colleague – one invoice per company)
  • 525 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (one person rate)
  • 450 euro per participant for the 3 days workshop (individual rate, when you register with another person)
  • Prices quoted above are for the workshop tuition only. Due to covid, no drinks, pauses or meals are going to be offered. You are free to take those with you. Space would be made available for you to take your pauses and lunch, inside or outside, also in a private garden.
  • For the well-being of all, we ask you that if you have covid(-like) symptoms or if you know you are covid positive, or contact case or if you met somebody who has covid, you agree not to come to the workshop. If you would send us a medical certificate, test result or your self-test result showing that you are covid positive, we would refund you your registration. In case of doubt, please contact us so that we can discuss the issue together and discuss the refund. We want to make sure you can book safely and that all participants are safe as well as participants.

Online registration form